Redefining Streetscapes

As we redefine streetscapes to create a unique sense of place, allow for movement and accessibility, safety and interaction, Unilock is your partner and hardscape expert. Our local representatives have the expertise to make your project run smoothly from conception to installation. Let’s explore some design strategies that could benefit our changing world.
Design Opportunities for Streetscapes
1. Flex or Shared Street

These streetscape designs place value on embracing placemaking. Streets are transformed from traditional roadways into flexible and programmable spaces with a focus on the pedestrian and cyclist-oriented experience. Typically featuring wider, curbless sidewalks, bicycle lanes and fewer lanes of traffic, the sidewalks and roadways are designed with paving stones to create a plaza-like feel while capable of handling and delineating vehicle and pedestrian spaces. These streetscapes are ideal for expanding businesses into the street and facilitating distance between users.
2. Revitalization and Beautification

Revitalization of streets and roadways are intended to enhance an area’s economic viability, attractiveness and safety. Many streetscape improvement projects create a pedestrian friendly environment using specifically designed strategies with appropriately durable materials and construction methods. Distinction between sidewalks that extend into the street, crosswalks and roadways can be achieved using paving stones delivering extensive design flexibility, aesthetics and the desired long-term performance. The result is a vibrant street, flourishing corridor or shopping district that is inviting and safe.
Paving Products for Streetscapes
At Unilock, we pride ourselves on the variety of paving options available to support your design vision for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Our products are offered in a variety of colors and finishes to easily and beautifully make distinctions between traffic flows. Check out some of our commonly used products for streetscapes!
To discuss more concrete paver options available in your region, contact your local Unilock representative.